Inner working of my mind

My thoughts on life...coming to you live from Las Vegas!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Shopping Trip

I was told I had to blog about this, even though the person who told me this rarely reads this.

Last night Adam called me to see if I wanted to go "shopping" with him at WalMart. I was still at school, so I couldn't go. I was upset that I wasn't able to go shopping with him. Tonight I needed to go shopping for my Track Break Party, and I called Adam to leave a message to see if he wanted to go shopping with me. I came home, watched some TV, made dinner, and then got sucked into the Degrassi marathon. I decided to go shopping, sans Adam. Just as I was pulling into the parking lot, my phone rang, and it was Adam. He had great timing. I knew that the phone wouldn't cut out, seeing as how I talk to mom all the time in that store, so I knew I could talk to him while shopping. I was talking to him about the different juice boxes that I should get my kids. I was having a nice convo, when I realized that he wasn't saying anything. My phone cut out. I called him back, and we were talking some more. As I was finishing up, I realized that I needed to get some things for my stir fry tomorrow night (thanks for planting that seed Dan!). I was picking some stuff out in the produce area, and Adam was talking about tomatoes and how I hate them. I'm still talking to him, asking him questions, when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. Nice one Kristy, talking to someone and then your phone rings...smooth move ExLax.

I'm ready for break. Tomorrow I'm pretty much done at 1. The kids have an assembly at 1, specials after that, and then we're just going to have our party. I can't wait to be done for a bit. I'm SO not going to want to go back in May!

One more week til my sisters come out, and then two more weeks til I go home! We need to plan something for when I'm home people!


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