Inner working of my mind

My thoughts on life...coming to you live from Las Vegas!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


It's official. It's the 28th of April, and I have my first sunburn of the year. It's only sporadic too. You can obviously tell where I forgot to put sunscreen. It's nice that it's only the end of April and I have a burn. You can't really do that back in Wisconsin. Yesterday my neck burned during Field Day, and today I burned within the 2 hours I was out at the pool. Oh well.

Speaking of Field Day, my favorite student (the one I have stories about) came up to me during recess. I was watching all 4 fifth grade classes to make sure they weren't beating up the few first grade classes when I turned around, and there he was. "There's way too much color out here today!" (Each class had matching shirts for Field Day, and they were different colors depending on the class and grade level. You couldn't have the same color as someone in your grade level.) "But, kid, you have the BEST color on today (we had the same color)" "I know, but there's still WAY too much color going on today." And then he walked off.

Oh my gosh! I went to the Clark County Fair and Rodeo two weeks ago! It was so much fun!! I felt like I was back home at the county or State Fair. They had the racing pigs like back home!!! I couldn't believe it. I was also eating a hot dog about 500 feet from the pigs. Hope they weren't offended. :) I got me a cowgirl hat too while I was there. Shannon and Amanda couldn't believe that I was getting one, but I did. We got to go see the rodeo too! It was the first time I'd been at one. I was kinda waiting for Borat to come out and sing the National Anthem. He didn't. I was screaming after each person went. Shannon turned to me and dared me to yell out "Yee-haw!" at some point. She obviously doesn't know me very well. Within the next 10 minutes I yelled it. I think she and Amanda were ready to disown me. It was fun times had by all.


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