Inner working of my mind

My thoughts on life...coming to you live from Las Vegas!

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Yes, I'm old. I'm a young person stuck in an old person's body. Last night I sat and put my recipes into a tiny recipe binder. Well, almost all...I lost my steam after awhile. Today I went and did my grocery shopping (bought flowers, ran out of room in my two vases, so I'm using a yard long as a vase right now), and ran a few other errands. I came home, vegged for a bit, and then decided to organize my pics. As I was out shopping I thought that I would do that outside on my patio with a big glass of lemonade...but seeing as how it was 108 today, I decided to stay in. I went through all of my pics that aren't in albums, and put them in chronological order...beginning with 8th grade. It was actually really fun. I got to relive some moments that were great, and I got to see some pics that I haven't looked at in a long time. There was actually a picture from the time in my life that Dan knows where to push my button to get me going. I forgot to tell him tonight that I found a picture taken that night, minutes before the night went horribly wrong. But then I had Gold Baby to look at, and other times. I went through and labeled and dated half of the pictures. It was good times. I found a picture where I actually like how I look at the time, and others where I could think about what all happened after the picture was taken to figure out when it was taken. For example, I was trying to figure out what summer Patty got her tattoo. Well, in one picture we were in the parking lot at Noah's Ark eating lunch, and there was a picture of peanut butter Oreo's on the car. Junior year Adam would always be in my room eating the peanut butter Oreo's my dad stocked me up on for eating the rest of mine from the trip to Noah's Ark. My memory is messed up, I know. There were a bunch from drunken Truth or Dare...mostly from the night in Brooks' room, and the night Jasper died. The one of Harr in front of the computer screen, and what she was looking at...classic.

Alright...enough of traveling down memory lane...I can't remember what I was going to post about earlier today. I was in my kitchen, thought of something, and almost came to post. I told myself that I would remember later. Guess I didn't.

Hey, did you know that I moved back to Wisconsin and am looking for jobs there? Neither did I. I got a message from a friend at Barnes and Noble back in Madison asking me why I haven't called her since I came back to town. I got a little confused. She called me later in the day, and I guess I'm back in town. She's been hearing this for the past 2 weeks. Well, I was back in town 2 weeks ago for my sister's graduation, but that's it. People said they saw me down on campus, and stuff like that. My friend's going to start telling people that I'm up in northern Wisconsin teaching at a Catholic school. I want to see how far this rumor can go. It only took them 6 months from when I left to come up with a rumor about me...that's ok, I can handle it...


  • At 11:02 PM, Blogger Kristy said…

    I know! I'm actually happy that there's finally a rumor about me. My sister's going in there tomorrow and starting up the rumor mill!


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