Inner working of my mind

My thoughts on life...coming to you live from Las Vegas!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Ahhhhhhhhh........ last day off of school until the 4th of July. Mary and Roger are coming for dinner tonight, and I'm freaking out that I haven't cleaned enough or something like that. It's like my parents are coming, and I'm trying to prove to them that I'm not a slob. And I'm not since I moved into my own place.

This weekend was a good one. Friday started out shaky, but turned out to be great. First, Amanda's plane was delayed, and she got in at about 11:45pm on Thursday. Then we didn't get back to my apartment until about 12:45. Waking up at 5:45am was not cool. We left the apartment at about 6:50-7am. We got to where mapquest told us Amanda's school was, but it wasn't there. It took us an extra 15 minutes to find her school, which made her 10 minutes late and me 20 minutes late. I was freaking out about being late! I called the school to let them know that I was going to be late, and I drove as fast as I could without getting caught. I was upset because the school zones were still in effect, even if the students weren't in school that day. The school was awesome. I felt welcome, and the staff was really nice. It was like being in a place opposite of what I work in now. I went out to lunch with some teachers, and had a great time. I was even walking up to people and introducing myself. I was going way out of the comfort zone with that. It was a really good day. I called mom and told her that if I didn't end up at home in August, I wouldn't be upset.

Friday night Amanda and I went to the Strip. We had to talk ourselves into getting up off of the futon to go to the Strip, but we got down there. We went to the World's Largest Gift Shop (they roped off Elvis Adrienne!! You can't get as close as we did anymore!), and then drove down to the other end of the Strip to get a drink and wander. We went into M&M World (with drinks), and I had to show Amanda the "rejects" since she had just seen the pics. They put something in front of it so you can't sit there! Not cool Kool-Aid! Anyhoos, we ended up going to a 3D movie at M&M World, and then heading to PF Chang's for dinner. Got to PF Chang's and there was a 45-60 minute wait, so we decided that going home and putting on our PJ's while eating chinese carry out sounded good too. It was almost immediately after we put our food away when we both started falling asleep watching TV. When I got up to move to my room, Amanda just laid down without opening the futon...and stayed there until I woke up the next morning at 8:30.

Saturday we just went around the area where my apartment was since she'll move in with me if I stay out here. I dropped her off, came home, made plans to go see a movie with Mary for Sunday, and worked on some lessons. I decided to finish up with the lessons I was working on, and make potato salad for this weekend.

Sunday I went to see Akeelah and the Bee. It was a really good movie. I recommend seeing it. But I also have a special place in my heart for the National Spelling Bee. All I need to say is...pococurante. I went back to Mary and Roger's for dinner, and Roger ended up having me order few pizzas online. I came back to my apartment, started falling asleep while finishing up my lessons (at about 8:30pm), and finally finished at about 11, just because I needed to take breaks to wake myself up.

Today I've just been running around the apartment and other places to make sure I had everything for tonight. They're going to be here in about 40 minutes, and I'm really freaking out. I don't know why, but I am...


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