Mini Heart Attack
Nothing like bolting out of bed to shrieks of noises on a Saturday morning when you've only been sleeping a few hours. I bolted out of bed this morning to hear the fire alarm going off. I thought it was my smoke detector, so I grabbed my stepladder to turn it off. Yeah, I couldn't get it to turn off. I then decided I wanted to take out the battery. This place makes it so you can't get to the battery. I finally yanked it out of the ceiling and undid some wires. I don't think that was a smart thing to do, but at 6am when you're still sleeping, it was a smart thing to do. I called home to see if dad knew how to turn the damn thing off (after shoving my bed out of the way to find my cell phone that I thought had dropped behind my bed), and he told me it sounded like a fire alarm and to grab some stuff and leave. I changed into regular clothes (didn't think the best way to meet my neighbors would be by wearing a black tanktop with my Spongebob boxers...), grabbed my wallet from my school bag, my phone, and my purse. Left my apartment (locking it behind me), got into my car, realized that I pulled the detector out of the ceiling, called Dan to see if I would get fined, woke Dan up, Dan fell asleep within 1 minute of me calling, and then I decided to go check my mail. Mail room was dead bolted, so I couldn't get in. Puts me in a better mood. Mom calls as soon as I'm in my car, asks me if I grabbed some important things from my apartment. I told her I was still half alseep when I left, but I had my purse. She told me to go back to my building to wait for the fire department. It took the FD about 20 minutes to get to the apartment. No sirens, no fire gear on, nothing...good to know they take alarms seriously. Turns out someone pulled the alarm on the building next to mine, and it set off about 3 of the buildings....I went back to my apartment (having to unlock it, unlike my neighbors who just kept them unlocked...thanks for teaching me to lock my door Dan!), changed into my PJs, and tried going back to sleep. I was WAY to wired to go back to sleep after this happened. It's now laundry and grocery shopping time....have to get the fixins for Mary Kay pies!!! YAY
At 5:31 PM, Kristy said…
Guess not...I guess it's really touchy. That's what the firemen were saying (all old..damn). They said that someone may have just touched it wrong...or someone wanted to pull a mean prank today! Oh a lot done today.
At 10:51 PM, Dan said…
At Least I remember talking to you!
At 1:09 AM, Kristy said…
It's fixed and back on there Adrienne, I'm an expert ;)
I'm glad you remember talking to me Dan! It was just like driving back from your place talking to you while you fell asleep!
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