Inner working of my mind

My thoughts on life...coming to you live from Las Vegas!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I spent a good part of this weekend watching the first season of Grey's Anatomy. Being a People reader, and a former TV Guide subscriber, I know what happens in the second season. I still have about one more episode of the first season, and I'm still wondering when certain things will come up, or be resolved...oh well, I guess this summer's for catching up on Grey's. I don't want to know what happens until I see the episodes, that's how I am. I'd rather not know what happens until I see it so I can put all of the pieces together. I have decided that George is the cutest thing! He's such a bumbling fool, but it's really adorable! Awww...

Anyhoozles, it's official. I'm staying in Vegas for the next year. I decided that Friday. I knew that I had to let Amanda know, and also the apartment people so we could get a two bedroom. It's turning out to be a big headache. I was told that there won't be any ready until after my lease is up for the apartment that I'm currently in, except for one that I would have to be in by July 17. There's no way I was going to move in then...I'm still teaching, and I would have to start packing my things now. Amanda's not going to be out here until the beginning of August, and I can wait that long. I told mom what was going on, and Sue found a ticket to come out to help me move if I wanted to get in there by July 17. I got excited about the fact that Sue would be coming out to visit!! I talked to my leasing agent, and I can't really move into that apartment unless Amanda's there to sign the lease with me. I had to call Sue and let her know. We were both disappointed, but turns out she's still coming out! She'll be here for a week! She's also offered to help start packing while I'm at school (she'll be here while I'm working). That's awesome. She's now helped me pack and move for every move I've made. Kinda cool.

Amanda and I have decided to stay out here for Thanksgiving too. We've already got our sisters (who have been close friends for over 10 years) to come out, so if anyone else wants to come, they're more than welcome! It'll be a good time. Sue's always said she's wanted to do Thanksgiving in Vegas. She's now got her wish ;)

It's going to be a good month. I know it. Thursday Adam comes for a week. A week after he leaves, Sue comes for a week (which means two weeks of planning the weekend Adam leaves). Two weeks after Sue comes out, Amanda moves out and we move into our new apartment (which will have a cactus in it). And a week after that, I'm done with second grade, and Patty may come out! YAY!


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